More Stocks That Are Much Cheaper Than Usual

I had fun with a recent post highlighting some of the larger U.S. stocks which are trading at much cheaper valuation multiples than they have over the prior ten years (on average). In that post, Apple rose to the top of the heap in terms of cheapness relative to its own past. 

Below, I have extended that idea to all U.S. stocks, rather than just the larger ones. Apple is still near the top, but a dozen other names have had a more extreme change in their valuation percentile. 

I love some of the names that come through: St. Joe (a Florida-based real estate company), Take Two Interactive (a video game company that fell from $27 to $6 in 2008/09), and Alacer Gold (Gold Miner). 

I think this is a fun way to screen for out of favor stocks. I still need to test whether or not self-relative valuation is a strong predictor of future returns. What do you think?